Sunday, January 23, 2011

Light at the End


Immediately following my interview the editor at Afterimage signed me on as an intern. I've already started working and have done some copy editing and (get ready now) writing for the magazines' webpage. It's an obituary for a photographer named Milton Rogovin... so true, it's a small piece, but a piece nonetheless... and also a piece about an amazing person who had an amazing life. I was very happy to have been given the assignment.

There is much yet to learn still and I'm excited to dive right in and do everything that I can while i'm with Afterimage. Tomorrow classes start again and I can't wait to get this last semester (well, almost last semester) over with. I'm ready to get my life started.

The work situation will be a bit different this semester, due to the time i'll be putting in to the internship. I'll be picking up a few extra hours at perkins, but unfortunately I have to dump wegmans... sort of. They told me that it would probably be best to work one day a week for even just a few hours to keep my foot in the door if I want to come back and get hours in the summer, which will probably be a part of the plan. So Thursday mornings i'll be at wegmans, but no more time than that. I could conceivable work both jobs and do the internship (and school) but because I want to do my best at everything I do, I feel that if I did all four at once I couldn't give 100% anywhere or for anything, and that I'm not okay with.

I know that I will be busy, and tired, but honestly I haven't felt this good about life in a long time. In the past few months i've been able to pay off a good chunch of credit card debt and have slowly been building my supplies for when I move out in the summer. Now that I have some direction in life and there's a light at the end of the tunnel, and I feel at ease. I have a feeling that 2011 is going to be my year to finally turn things around.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Winter Blues

The editor at Afterimage got back to me and I have an interview set up on friday at 2! I'm really optimistic that I'll get the internship, and really looking forward to beginning this next chapter in life.
Lately however, winter break has been moving along rather slowly. I was hoping to get more hours at work but with the restaurant being slow and all the college kids coming back to wegmans for break I haven't been working as much as I had hoped. I've been sort of idle because of it, with not enough money to go out much. Though I had hoped to start writing I haven't (despite the abundance of time i've had on my hands lately) and i've been spending alot of time in front of the tv instead... This I know is no good.
So last week I finally got back into the gym. To keep me motivated I took my measurements and wrote them down and am planning on checking them again in a few weeks. I downloaded some good music (Mumford and Sons, check them out if you haven't already) and got my butt back on the treadmill. It feels good to push myself again... though with the snow today the temptation to stay home and not drive is pretty great. I do have to go to work later today anyway though, so around 3pm i'll get to the gym for a workout before starting my shift.
Otherwise, i'm just waiting around for friday to get here. I'll keep you posted on how the interview turns out. :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

one step forward

I sent my internship resume to Afterimage (a Rochester magazine) and am crossing my fingers in hopes that the editor will call me back.
Anxiety over what I will do after graduating heightens with every passing day, however if I do get the chance to intern at a magazine I think it will open doors, and give me a new perspective on where my degree can take me. The experience of it, more than just a new thing to add to a resume, is what I am looking forward to (should I actually get it). I don't know the first thing about magazines, but would love the opportunity to learn, and maybe even find that it's something I would love to do for a living... that is something that, at this point in life, I am always on the look out for.
For so long I have imagined myself becoming an author, but seldom do people accomplish that after they write their first book. For some it might not happen until much later in life, if at all. Though I would not trade all the knowledge i've gained in creative writing for a more practical education (say nursing or accounting), sometimes I doubt the choice I made to be an english major. Some people say that such a degree can take you almost anywhere, some say nowhere. Either way, because my experience in the working world is limited to shelving books, food service and a grociery store, i've never been sure of what path I should take. Where do I go, what do I do, always I am thinking... what is the next step?
In March i'll be twenty-five and I never imagined that mid-twenties would be so hard... actually it's just the opposite; for some reason I thought that I would have had everything figured out by now. Instead I feel like every avenue of my life has shifted into crossroads, and now I have to make choices and stop drifting before I lose myself indefinately in my own indecision.
It is also very exciting.... Maybe everything right now is uncertain.
I guess that's why I feel like the sky's the limit.