Saturday, December 25, 2010

Holiday Indulging

Christmas has come and gone, and in my usual holiday enthusiasm I ate a lot of food. Cookies, cheese, pepperoni, bread, chips and dip... it was all delicious. But now it's time to buckle down and work off some of the excess weight i've gained between thanksgiving and now.
When I say work I mean literally (as in excercise) but I also mean diet. It doesn't take long to get used to eating all that junk. Now that i've indulged it's time to work some fruit and veggies back into my diet and lay off the carbs.
I do this every year, and I really think it's all the holiday indulging more than the new years resolution thing. I get to the point where I start gaining weight and feeling uncomfortable then I think 'well, time to change it up.' I usually get back down to a comfortable weight but never where I really want to be. I would really like to do that this time around.
For me, excercise isn't the problem. I've fallen out of it but once I get motivated and back in the gym I usually get myself to like it and look forward to going. For me it's the food. I have little will power when it comes to eating and I love all the bad, fattening things. The excercise and slightly better eating usually sheds a few pounds, but once I get back into the swing of things I hope to be a little more sucessful than that.
Of course, with the new year comes a few more things i'd like to accomplish other than just weight loss. There is the ever-present problem of writers block that I would like to over come. Though at this point I think I should just admit to myself that it's not really writers block, it's just laziness. I have taken mondays off of both of my jobs, and hope to use it as a day set aside specifically for writing. I hope to generate some sort of work before the next semester roles around.
Then there is the fact that I will be graduating. With one semester left (and then only one summer class after that) I will finally have my degree. Though that's great and it's been a long time coming, it brings about its own sort of problems. Student loans for one thing, and the fact that I have no idea what I will do with my newly aquired bachelors degree in english... where exactly does that take a person?
It will be an interesting year... and I slightly scary one. However I am optimistic and hope to make the best of it.


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